BEOWIND = BElgian Offshore WIND energy parks: tools to enhance the provision of ancillary services, the stability of the grid and the lifetime of the infrastructure. Enhancing the provision of ancillary services, the stability of the grid and the infrastructure lifetime for the Belgian offshore wind energy parks
By the end of 2018, the worldwide installed wind power capacity reached 591 GW, growing with 51.3 GW in the last year alone. In the Belgian North Sea, 318 turbines accounting for a total power of 1556 MW, will be installed by the end of 2019. Moreover, the Belgian government has the ambition to reach a total of 4 GW offshore wind power by 2030. The shift from fossil fuels and nuclear energy to renewable energy sources brings more variability to the grid, leading to stronger grid frequency fluctuations and power imbalances. Therefore, ancillary services are expected to play a crucial role in the operation of the future power system. These services include:
Primary, secondary & tertiary reserve
Voltage control through reactive power
Dynamic stability support
Harmonic mitigation
Inertial response
Goals of the project
The BEOWIND project has the ambition to tackle the following fundamental questions:
How can the North Sea wind farms contribute to the power system by providing ancillary services?
What is the technical and economic potential of wind farms for ancillary service provision?
What is the effect on mechanical loading, fatigue and infrastructure lifetime?